
Garmin - Fã„“nixã‚â® 3 Hr Smartwatch 51mm Review


Harðgert og fallega hannað úr, með 1.two-1,four" skjá, sem eru nú stærri en á fyrri fēnix úrum. Þau eru ýmist með stainless stál eða DLC húðaða skífu og eru álagsprófuð samkvæmt U.S. military machine staðli.


PacePro tæknin er fyrsta sinnar tegundar og hjálpar þér að halda réttum hraða með tilliti til halla/hækkunar/lækkunar á leiðinni.


Hægt er að skoða hvernig hinar ýmsu stillingar hafa áhrif á rafhlöðuendingu. Þannig geturðu stillt úrið þannig að rafhlaðan endist þér sem best.


Skoðaðu nánari upplýsingar eins og hlaupagreiningu, súrefnisupptöku útfrá hita og hæð (VO2 max), áætlaðan hvíldartíma og margt fleira.


Forhlaðin prógröm fyrir utanvegahlaup, sund, hlaup, hjól, göngu, róður, skíði, golf og margt fleira.


Hægt er að setja Íslandskort í úrið til að nota í leiðsögn (fylgir ekki). Úrið kemur með TopoActive Evrópukorti og skíðakorti yfir 2000 skíðasvæðum um heimin með upplýsingum um erfiðleikastig.

ClimbPro eiginleikar

Notaðu ClimbPro til að sjá rauntíma upplýsingar um klifur/hækkun sem þú ert í eða sem er framundan. Þú getur t.d fengið upplýsingar um halla, vegalengdir og hækkun/lækkun.


Úrið er með myndrænar upplýsingar um 41.000 golfvelli um allan heim í fullum lit auk þess að geta sýnt vegalengdir að punktum sem þú velur og getur tekið hækkun/lækkun brautar inn í útreikning á vegalengdum.


Ef þú ert að fylgja ferli eða leið, þá geturðu fengið nákvæma leiðsögn, beygju fyrir beygju. Einnig geturðu fengið upplýsingar um næstu beygju tímanlega aður en þú kemur að beygjunni.


Sláðu inn vegalengd sem þú vilt fara og fáðu góða leið sem endar aftur með þig á upphafspungti. Finndu bestu leiðirnar í nágrenninu með hjálp Trendline™.


Styðst við mörg gervitungla kerfi (GPS, GLONASS og Galileo) til þess að fá bestu nákvæmustu staðsetninguna við erfiðustu aðstæðurnar.


ABC nemar, hæðamælir (Altimeter), loftvog (Barometer) og þriggja ása rafeindakompás (Compass) létta þér lífið í rötun og leiðsögn.


Fyrir aukið öryggi geturðu leyft fólki að fylgjast með ferðum þínum og einnig geturðu látið senda staðsetninguna þína á neyðar tengilið ef eitthvað óeðlilegt kemur uppá.


Geymir allt að 2000 lög sem hægt er að hlaða inná úrið í gegnum Spotify®, Deezer eða Amazon. Svo tengirðu Bluetooth® heyrnatól við úrið og getur hlustað án þess að vera með símann á þér.

Garmin Pay™

Notaðu snertulausan greiðslumöguleika úrsins til þess að versla á hlaupum, verslun eða hvar sem er. (Virkar með ákveðnum kortum)


Fáðu tilkynningar um tölvupóst, smáskilaboð, símtöl og margt fleira í úrið þegar það er tengt við snjallsíma.


Nýr og fullkominn púlsmælir er innbyggður í úrið. Úrið nýtir upplýsingar frá púlsmæli til að reikna út brennslu, stress mæling og þau áhrif em æfingin er að hafa á þig. Nú geturðu einnig fylgst með púlsinum í sundi án þess að þurfa að vera með auka púlsmæli.


Fyrir hæðaraðlögun og svefnskráningu. Súrefnismettunarmælirinn (Pulse Ox) notar lítinn ljósgeisla til að mæla hversu vel líkaminn er að taka upp súrefni.

Body Battery™ ORKUMÆLING

Hámarkaðu orkunýtinguna með því að nota púls, stress, svefn og aðrar upplýsingar til að fylgjast með hvort að þú sért með næga líkamsorku til að fara á æfingu eða hvort þú ættir að taka hvíld.

Connect IQ™ appið

Sæktu sérsniðin úraútlit, bættu við upplýsingagluggum og sæktu forrit í gegnum Connect IQ Store.

Expedition stilling

Farðu lengra á hleðslunni. Leiðangursstilling (Expedition style) er rafhlöðusparandi GPS stilling sem lætur rafhlöðuna endast hátt í 3 vikur.


Innbyggð, endurhlaðanleg lithium rafhlaða endist í 14 daga sem snjallúr, 10 klst með GPS og tónlist og allt að 48 daga á rafhlöðusparandi stillingu.

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1 Activity tracking accuracy
2 This is not a medical device and is not intended for use in the diagnosis or monitoring of any medical condition; see Pulse Ox non available in all countries
3 When paired with a compatible smartphone. For safety and tracking features requirements and limitations, come across

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SPOTIFY and the Spotify logo are amidst the registered trademarks of Spotify AB. Amazon Music and all related logos are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. The Bluetooth word marking and logos are registered trademarks endemic by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Garmin is under license.


Skjágler Corning® Gorilla® Glass 3 eða Sapphire Crystal
Málmur um skjá Stainless steel or Diamond-like Carbon (DLC) coated steel
Instance material fiber-reinforced polymer with metal rear cover
QuickFit™ ól  (42mm : twenty mm, 47mm : 22mm, 51mm : 26mm)
Efni á ól silicone, suede or nylon
Stærð 42mm 42 x 42 x 13.eight mm
Passar á hendi m.5. ummál:
Silicone ring: 108-182 mm
Suede band: 108-175 mm
Fabric band: 108-189 mm
Metallic band: 108-180 mm
Stærð 47mm 47 x 47 x xiv.seventy mm
Passar á hendi m.v. ummál:
Silicone ring: 125-208 mm
Leather band: 132-210 mm
Fabric band: 132-210 mm
Metal ring: 132-215 mm
Stærð 51mm 51 x 51 x 14.xc mm
Passar á hendi grand.5. ummál:
Silicone band: 127-210 mm
Leather band: 135-213 mm
Material band: 135-213 mm
Metal ring: 135-225 mm
Skjástærð 42mm : 1.2" (30.iv mm) ummál
47mm : 1.iii″ (33.02 mm) ummál
51mm : 1.4″ (35.56 mm) ummál
Þyngd 42mm Steel: 61g (case only: 44g)
Þyngd 47mm Steel: 83g (case merely: 60g), Titanium 72g (case only: 49g)
Þyngd 51mm Steel: 93g (case only: 66g)
Rafhlöðuending 42mm

Smartwatch: Upwardly to nine days

GPS: Upwardly to 25 hours
GPS and Music: Upward to 6 hours
Max Bombardment GPS Manner: 50 hours
Expedition GPS Activity: xx days
Bombardment Saver Scout Way: 34 days

Rafhlöðuending 47mm

Smartwatch: Upwardly to xiv days

GPS: Up to 36 hours
GPS and Music: Upward to 10 hours
Max Bombardment GPS Mode: 72 hours
Trek GPS Activity: 28 days
Battery Saver Picket Fashion: 48 days

Rafhlöðuending 51mm

Smartwatch: Upwards to 21 days

GPS: Upwardly to sixty hours
GPS and Music: Up to 15 hours
Max Battery GPS Style: 120 hours
Expedition GPS Activeness: 46 days
Bombardment Saver Watch Style: 80 days

H2o rating x ATM
Color display
Memory/History 32 GB

Clock Features

GPS Fourth dimension Sync
Automatic daylight saving time
Alert clock
Sunrise/sunset times


Garmin Elevate™ wrist heart rate monitor
Barometric altimeter
Pulse Ox yes (with Acclimation)

Daily Smart Features

Connect IQ™ (downloadable watch faces, data fields, widgets and apps)
Smart notifications
Text response/reject telephone call with text (Android™ simply)
Connectivity Bluetooth®, Emmet+®, Wi-Fi®
Battery Saver – customizable low power spotter
Controls smartphone music
Plays and controls watch music
Music Storage Upward to two,000 songs
Find My Phone
Notice My Lookout
VIRB® Camera Remote
Smartphone compatibility iPhone®, Android™
Uniform with Garmin Connect™ Mobile
Garmin Pay™

Safe and Tracking Features

Incident Detection during select activities
Group LiveTrack
Alive Event Sharing

Tactical Features

Dual grid coordinates

Activeness Tracking Features

Step counter
Motion bar (displays on device later a period of inactivity; walk for a couple of minutes to reset information technology)
Machine goal (learns your action level and assigns a daily stride goal)
Sleep monitoring (monitors total sleep and periods of motion or restful sleep)
Calories burned
Floors climbed
Altitude traveled
Intensity minutes
Move IQ™
Fitness Age yeah (in app)
Trunk Bombardment™ Energy Monitor
All-day Stress Tracking

Gym & Fitness Equipment

Available gym action profiles Strength, Cardio and Elliptical Preparation, Stair Stepping, Floor Climbing, Indoor Rowing and Yoga
Cardio workouts
Strength workouts
Automatic rep counting

Training, Planning and Analysis Features

GPS speed and distance
Customizable data pages
Customizable activity profiles
Auto Break®
Interval training
Advanced workouts
Downloadable training plans
Power Modes – customizable in-activity battery settings
Auto Lap®
Manual lap
Configurable lap alerts
Heat and altitude acclimation
V02 max
Grooming Status (lets you see if you're preparation effectively by tracking your preparation history and fitness level trend.)
Training Load (your total training load for the concluding 7 days calculated from estimated EPOC)
Training load focus
Grooming Outcome (aerobic)
Training Effect (anaerobic)
Primary benefit (Grooming Result labels)
Custom alerts
Audio prompts
Cease time
Virtual Partner
Race an Action
Car multisport activities
Transmission multisport activities
Course guidance
Garmin Alive Segments
Strava Live Segments
Round-trip course creator (running/cycling)
Trendline™ Popularity Routing yes (available equally a wearable map theme)
Touch on and/or button lock
Hot keys
Auto scroll
Activeness history on watch
Physio TrueUp

Heart Charge per unit Features

60 minutes zones
60 minutes alerts
60 minutes calories
% HR max
Recovery fourth dimension
Auto max Hour
HRV stress test (measures your heart rate variability while standing still, for 3 minutes, to provide you with an estimated stress level; the scale of this is one to 100; low scores indicate lower stress levels) yes (with compatible accessory)
60 minutes Broadcast (broadcasts Hr data over ANT+™ to paired devices)

Running Features

Available run profiles Running, Treadmill Running, Indoor Track Running, Trail Running
GPS-based distance, time and pace
Running dynamics aye (with uniform accompaniment)
Vertical oscillation and ratio (the degree of 'bounce' in your running motion and the cost-benefit ratio with stride length) yeah (with uniform accessory)
Footing contact time and residue (shows how much time, in the running motion, your foot is on the footing rather than in flight and lets you bank check your running symmetry) yes (with uniform accessory)
Stride length (real time) yes (with compatible accompaniment)
Cadence (provides real-time number of steps per minute)
Performance condition (after running 6–20 minutes, compares your existent-fourth dimension status to your boilerplate fettle level)
Lactate threshold (through analysis of your pace and heart rate, estimates the betoken where your muscles first to speedily fatigue) yeah (with compatible accompaniment)
PacePro™ Pacing Strategies
Run workouts
Race predictor
Foot pod capable

Golfing Features

Preloaded with 41,000 courses worldwide
Yardage to F/M/B (distance to front, middle and back of green)
Yardage to layups/doglegs
Measures shot distance (calculates exact yardage for shots from anywhere on course) Automatic
Digital scorecard
Custom targets
Stat tracking (strokes, putts per round, greens and fairways hit)
Garmin AutoShot™
Full vector map
Auto CourseView updates
Green View with manual pivot position
Hazards and course targets
PlaysLike altitude
Handicap scoring
TruSwing™ compatible
Round timer/odometer
Automatic club tracking compatible (requires accessory)

Outdoor Recreation Features

Bachelor outdoor recreation profiles Hiking, Climbing, Mount Biking, Skiing, Snowboarding, Ninety Skiing, Stand Up Paddleboarding, Rowing, Kayaking, Jumpmaster, Tactical
Point-to-betoken navigation
Bread crumb trail in real time
Back to starting time
UltraTrac style
Effectually Me mode
Meridian profile
Distance to destination
Barometric trend indicator with Storm Alarm
ClimbPro™ Ascent Planner
Trail run auto climb
Vertical speed
Total ascent/descent
Future elevation plot
Preloaded topographical maps
Downloadable cartography support
Compatible with BaseCamp™
GPS coordinates
Projected waypoint
Sight 'North Go
Expanse calculation yeah (via Connect IQ™)
Hunt/fish calendar aye (via Connect IQ™)
Sunday and moon information yep (via Connect IQ™)
XERO™ Locations
Expedition GPS Activity

Cycling Features

Available cycling profiles Biking, Indoor Biking, Mountain Biking, Triathlon
Bike lap and lap maximum power (with ability sensor)
Race an activeness
Time/distance alerts (triggers alarm when yous achieve goal)
FTP (Functional Threshold Ability) aye (with compatible accessory)
Bike Map (routable cycling-specific street map)
Compatible with Vector™ (power meter)
Power meter uniform (displays power data from compatible tertiary-party Emmet+™-enabled ability meters)
Uniform with Varia Vision™ (head-mounted display)
Compatible with Varia™ radar (rear-facing radar)
Compatible with Varia™ lights
Speed and cadence sensor back up (with sensor) yes (Pismire+® and Bluetooth® Smart sensors)

Swimming Features

Bachelor swim profiles Puddle Swimming, Open Water Swimming, Pond/Running
Open-h2o swim metrics (distance, step, stroke count/rate, stroke distance, swim efficiency (SWOLF), calories)
Pool swim metrics (lengths, distance, pace, stroke count/rate, swim efficiency (SWOLF), calories)
Stroke blazon detection (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly) (Puddle Swim Only)
Drill logging (Pool Swim But)
Bones rest timer (up from 0)
Inaugural first
Puddle swim workouts
Underwater wrist-based heart rate
Heart rate from external HRM (real-fourth dimension during rests, interval and session stats during rests, and automatic heart rate download mail service-swim) yes (with HRM-Tri™ and HRM-Swim™)


Smartphone compatibility iPhone®, Android™


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